I have just learned I won't be around on SINIS7ER_ART 's birthday so I'm sharing this early. Happy early birthday best friend. I wanted to draw the characters you've created over the years as the gift this year. 2 0 Apr 9, 2024 Glacious-Arts Share Send to Group New Post Share Externally
Made this art for a discord friend, they wanted their character done like a boy kisser and i tried to deliver the best i can. 2 1 Aug 30, 2023 ginka Share Send to Group New Post Share Externally
Day 29 - Sona | John Glacious Wanted to try a chokehold on a character, don't think I did that well. But last two days of the main sketch batch are more actiony / dynamic. Day 30 - OC | Nitro And last but not least an action pose with an old, old character of mine. And yeah, he's a Noivern. Last sketch is gonna come up tomorrow and it will be different to the prompts I've given myself. 2 0 Jul 30, 2023 Glacious-Arts Share Send to Group New Post Share Externally
Day 28 - OC | Yuzno Quinz Now we get my oldest mortal character here. An 85 year old grandma Diancie who is probably nearly her final years. 2 0 Jul 28, 2023 Glacious-Arts Share Send to Group New Post Share Externally
Day 26 - OC | Kensai Okay I think that's enough of my demonic characters. No wait I have another one coming then I'll stop with drawing them. Anyways, this time around it's the Demonic Lord of Envy. And guess what? He's a normal plain ass human magician turned demon. Crazy. 1 0 Edited Jul 26, 2023 Glacious-Arts Share Send to Group New Post Share Externally
Day 22 - AceofspadesTH's Spades Almost forgot my fundamentals of Sonic character drawing before I did this guy lmao. Well the week of doing other people's characters is over with, now to see if I will finally draw my own characters.. or contemplate constantly. 0 0 Jul 22, 2023 Glacious-Arts Share Send to Group New Post Share Externally
Day 19 - StarletNexus's Laiba It's late as I type this and my head is wanting to burst. So reason for doing this character? Only got 3 character requests, so went down Discord users I know and who are often active on different servers for the rest of this week. 4 0 Jul 19, 2023 Glacious-Arts Share Send to Group New Post Share Externally
Day 18 - Alyssonjac6's Misty Gonna be honest the main reference I was given made her look like girlfriend from Friday Night Funkin lmao. Didn't know how to change it other than flattening the chest a little more and making the face just a bit elongated, while also changing the front hair on the top. Also made the hair longer on the cheeks. I was just doing my best to derive away from the main girlfriend look the character had. 1 0 Jul 18, 2023 Glacious-Arts Share Send to Group New Post Share Externally
Day 17 - No Account Gamer's Maybelle Honestly was quite an elegant looking Espeon. I was told to give this character something more positive in terms of expression and I wanted to do an eye closed expression, so here we are. 4 1 Jul 17, 2023 Glacious-Arts Share Send to Group New Post Share Externally
Day 8 - Shantae Final licensed character for my Sketch a Day thing. While this is technically more than a week, Weeks 1 & 4 have extra days of the month because of July 1st being on a separate Saturday and July 30th & 31st being on a separate Sunday & Monday. I liked the platformer Shantae & The Pirate's Curse and I've been meaning to play Half-Genie hero. Mechanics look fun and I likeed the interactions from Pirate's Curse. 2 0 Jul 8, 2023 Glacious-Arts Share Send to Group New Post Share Externally
For every single day in July, I'm going to be drawing a character's head shot to potential waist shot. 1st week - From Media I like 2nd week - People who influenced me to grow 3rd & 4th week - Your characters (or character choices) Join from Form Below Character Submission (Google Docs)In July I plan on drawing a bunch of different characters in head shots all the way to waist shots. The 1st two weeks will involve characters from media I like & people who have inspired me to grow to my own person over the years. The last 2 are going to be characters from this submission. Human, Furry, Monster, idc what they are. I just want to draw something for each day in July. 2 0 Jun 28, 2023 Glacious-Arts Share Send to Group New Post Share Externally
Character Submission (Google Docs)In July I plan on drawing a bunch of different characters in head shots all the way to waist shots. The 1st two weeks will involve characters from media I like & people who have inspired me to grow to my own person over the years. The last 2 are going to be characters from this submission. Human, Furry, Monster, idc what they are. I just want to draw something for each day in July.
Tried to mimic the art style of AdvosArt using my Riolu character Jene. Honestly don't think I did that well lol. 1 0 Jun 15, 2023 Glacious-Arts Share Send to Group New Post Share Externally
~Satie 2023~ Oh hey look at this - another character I've barely even bothered to show people outside of small circles. :^) Anyways this bitch has been one of my more popular characters, but figured she needed a bit of a change from her original. 3 0 Edited Feb 23, 2023 Glacious-Arts Share Send to Group New Post Share Externally
I've not drawn Snivy in yeeeaarrrrsss arrrggghhh. Anywho, it is Snivy Day and I wanted to draw the little buttholes, so here's more of that "background" stuff I've been trying out. Left one is Rayne who belongs to Sinis7er while the right one is Yalini [Post GOTU] who belongs to StarletNexus. 4 0 Feb 18, 2023 Glacious-Arts Share Send to Group New Post Share Externally
~Proto Valentine's~ Made a Valentine's for SINIS7ER_ART between his characters Roxxie and Exo. 3 0 Feb 11, 2023 Glacious-Arts Share Send to Group New Post Share Externally
The most risque thing I've posted so far. This'll be one of the "newer" sketches I've made (and by that I mean within roughly the past year or so) and will start showing more off later today. This is a sketch of RetroSpecter's Sakuroma, drawn back in October of 2021. Was trying to understand 4-armed anatomy for another character drawing, figured I did alright drawing her. 2 0 Nov 19, 2022 Glacious-Arts Share Send to Group New Post Share Externally
Now we dive back in 2018 to one of my less than fruitful years of art because of school taking a main focus. I was into many different fandoms at the time, specifically Minecraft Let's Players, so I drew a fair few of them. Billybo10K being one of the smaller people and the trio there being Crainer, NeoMC, and Kehaan. 1st sketch is just a decimation type sketch while 4th is me studying the character from Dust: An Elysian Tale, Fidget, for anatomy practice. 0 0 Nov 19, 2022 Glacious-Arts Share Send to Group New Post Share Externally
Little bit older into April 2019, did a bunch of headshot sketches for people from Sinis7er's Asmarel to some people I've honestly forgotten. Only character of mine I sketched here was Julie. Was learning how to use an Art Tablet. In March of the same year, tried to do cave works on paper. First character belonged to Sinis7er again, forgot who the second one belonged to. 3 0 Nov 19, 2022 Glacious-Arts Share Send to Group New Post Share Externally
Because I had ended up waking early, uploading a few batches of sketches I did over the years. Will state when I drew some of these as to give an idea how far I came and went in terms of art. 1st Image was my sketch testing of perspectives with chairs and objects at the time. I still miss this sort of sketching and want to eventually tackle it again (this was made December of 2020). Used my character Devilca. 2nd Image was done July that same year. Was 24th Sonic Anniversary sketch. 2 0 Edited Nov 19, 2022 Glacious-Arts Share Send to Group New Post Share Externally
Hey there, been a while again! We've recently added a new feature: Remaining character counter! Every form on the website now displays how many additional characters you are able to type once you get close to the limit. 2 0 May 15, 2022 Kiba Share Send to Group New Post Share Externally
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