Current Aerospace Engineering Student!
Likes: Speedcubing, Space, Coding, and More!
spacejuniper's Posts

Deer deer deer deer deer deer deer deer deer deer deer deer deer deer deer deer deer deer deer deer deer deer deer deer deer deer deer deer deer deer deer deer
Am deer, that is all

Been working on more fractal developments! I'm pretty proud of the results!
Significantly better alternative to Twitter than Mastodon, that's for sure!

Test Render since I have no clue what else to post anymore lmao

Here's a sadder protogen I made for some reason a while back! I was messing around with the visor lighting and I like the style quite a bit tbh

Protogen art! This still remains to be one of the pieces I'm most proud of, and I haven't done anything else in this style ever since!

Here's a dutchie piece I made a little while back for someone!

Here's a small render of part of the Mandelbrot Set! The axes labels are meaningless, and this was rendered with the first version of my script, made entirely in MATLAB! My new script is much more efficient and versatile, though the colors are more boring :3